Poederproductie, capsuleren, tabletteren, softdrinks, sappen en nog veel meer kunnen wij voor u produceren.

Language / Taal / Sprache:

Envir importeert zowel biologische- als conventionele superfoods.

Private label biologisch of conventioneel superfoods

Superfoods are quickly gaining popularity. They are natural foods that contain excessive amounts of nutrients. Most healthy foods have 2 or 3 special nutrients that are good for your health, while superfoods often contain 12 or more of these special nutrients.  Superfoods are also very rich in minerals, vitamins, amino acids and antioxidants.


Envir offers a wide selection of superfood products and ingredients, as "Ready-to-market" products, as well as in bulk.


We're happy to send you our list of products on your request.


For more information, please contact us via our contact page.

Van goji bessen tot moerbeijen tot hennep eiwitten. Envir beschikt over een zeer breedt assortiment.


A new batch of whey proteins is again fully stocked. Available from 5 pieces per flavor. For more information please contact us via the contact form.


Envir Supplements, full concept productions and wholesale supplements.

Manufacturer of nutritional supplements , sports nutrition , vitamins, minerals, herbs, extract powders and superfoods . Your partner in encapsulating, tableting, mixing and blistering . Please contact us via the contact form.

Envir Supplements contact:

Phone number:

+31(0)30 7740043

Email address:


Mailing Address:

Carneool 134, 3316KC Dordrecht, The Netherlands




Spices & herbs

Extract powder


Private label

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